Globfs API documentation

; Date:


INSTALLATION: npm install globfs --save

What follows is API documentation. For the command-line documentation, see:

In your application, put this at the top

const globfs = require('globfs');

This brings in the module. For every function we have a pair of implementations, offering both the traditional callback API, and an Async version returning a Promise.

globfs.operateAsync(basedirs, patterns, operation)
globfs.operate(basedirs, patterns, operation, done)

This is a base method from which one can implement many other methods. It also introduced a couple concepts used in the rest of the methods.

The basedirs argument is a list of directories to search. This can either be a String, or an Array of String's.

The patterns argument is a list of glob patterns with which to search. This can either be a String, or an Array of String's.

The operation argument is a callback function provided by the caller with the signature function(basedir, fpath, fini) and is called on each file matched by the glob's. The function is required to call the fini function with the signature function(err, result).

The fini function indicates one of two things :-

  • Is there an error with that file
  • Allows the caller to process the file and supply some data

If you do not supply an operation, one is substituted that causes all files found by the pattern to be added to the results list.

The operate function collects all result objects, supplying them through the done method. If the called function does not supply a result object, then the file is eliminated from the results array. Hence, this is the minimal fini function:

globfs.operate(..., ..., (basedir, fpath, fini) => { fini(null, fpath); }, ...);

The done argument is a callback function provided by the caller which is called once operate is finished. It has the signature function(err, results). The results object is an Array containing information about each matching file.

The operateAsync method returns a Promise instead of calling done, of course.

Each array element is an object with fields

  • error non-null if an error occurred on the file
  • basedir the directory within which the file was found
  • path the pathname of the file within basedir
  • fullpath the result of path.join(basedir, path)
  • result the result object provided by the operate callback above

For example:

globfs.operate([ 'dir', 'dir2', 'dir3' ], [ '**/*.md', '**/*.js' ],
	(basedir, fpath, fini) => { fini(null, fpath); },
	(err, results) => {

collects all files with extension .md or .js within the basedirs.

globfs.findAsync(basedirs, patterns)
globfs.find(basedirs, patterns, done)
globfs.findSync(basedirs, patterns)

Search in the basedirs directories for files matching patterns.

The done argument is a callback function provided by the caller which is called once all files have been found. It has the signature function(err, files).

The findAsync method of course returns a Promise rather than calling done. And the findSync method uses synchronous fs functions.

globfs.copyAsync(basedirs, patterns, destdir, options)
globfs.copy(basedirs, patterns, destdir, options, done)

Copies files from the basedirs directories (as above) matching one of the patterns (as above) to destdir.

The options argument is currently ignored but is meant to be an object tailoring the behavior.

The done argument is a callback function provided by the caller which is called once all files have been copied. It has the signature function(err).

The copyAsync method of course returns a Promise rather than calling done.

globfs.copy('node_modules', [ '**/*.md', '**/*.js' ], 'n2',
    (err) => {
        if (err) util.error(err);
        else util.log('done');

Copies just files with extension .md or .js into the directory named n2.

globfs.copy('node_modules', [ '**/*', '**/.*/*', '**/.*' ], 'n2all',
    (err) => {
        if (err) util.error(err);
        else util.log('done');

globfs.copyAsync('node_modules', [ '**/*', '**/.*/*', '**/.*' ], 'n2all')
.then(results => { console.log(results); })
.catch(err => { console.error(err.stack); });

Copies ALL files into the directory named n2all. The first pattern tries to match every file, but the next two patterns are required to match files or directories whose name begins with ".".

globfs.rmAsync(basedirs, patterns, options)
globfs.rm(basedirs, patterns, options, done)

Deletes files from the basedirs directories (as above) matching one of the patterns (as above).

The options argument is currently ignored but is meant to be an object tailoring the behavior.

The done argument is a callback function provided by the caller which is called once all files have been copied. It has the signature function(err).

The rmAsync method of course returns a Promise rather than calling done.

globfs.rm('n2all', '**/*.js',
    (err) => {
        if (err) util.error(err);
        else util.log('done');

globfs.rmAsync('n2all', '**/*.js')
.then(results => { console.log(results); })
.catch(err => { console.error(err.stack); });

Deletes just the files with the extension .js from the directory n2all.

globfs.chmodAsync(basedirs, patterns, newmode, options)
globfs.chownAsync(basedirs, patterns, uid, gid, options)
globfs.chmod(basedirs, patterns, newmode, options, done)
globfs.chown(basedirs, patterns, uid, gid, options, done)

Changes file permissions or file ownership of files in the basedirs directories (as above) matching one of the patterns (as above).

The options argument is currently ignored but is meant to be an object tailoring the behavior.

The done argument is a callback function provided by the caller which is called once all files have been copied. It has the signature function(err).

The chmodAsync and chownAsync methods of course returns a Promise rather than calling done.

globfs.chmod('n2all', '**/*.js', 0444,
    (err) => {
        if (err) util.error(err);
        else util.log('done');

globfs.chmodAsync('n2all', '**/*.js', 0444)
.then(results => { console.log(results); })
.catch(err => { console.error(err.stack); });

Changes permissions to read-only just for files with extension .js in the directory n2all.

globfs.chown('n2all', '**/*.js', 666, 666,
    (err) => {
        if (err) util.error(err);
        else util.log('done');

globfs.chownAsync('n2all', '**/*.js', 666, 666)
.then(results => { console.log(results); })
.catch(err => { console.error(err.stack); });

Changes the ownership of files with extension .js in the directory n2all to uid=666 and gid=666.

globfs.duAsync(basedirs, patterns, options)
globfs.du(basedirs, patterns, options, done)

Calculates disk utilization for the files matching basedirs and patterns. The result provided is the total disk bytes consumed.

The done argument is a callback function provided by the caller which is called once all files have been copied. It has the signature function(err, results). The results is simply a number giving disk usage for the files.

If options.verbose is truthy then the results instead is a text report listing each file, its size, and the total size.

globfs.du('n2all', '**/*.js',
    (err, results) => {
        if (err) util.error(err);
        else console.log(results);

globfs.duAsync('n2all', '**/*.js')
.then(results => { console.log(results); })
.catch(err => { console.error(err.stack); });
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